The story of Jonah being swallowed by a huge fish can seem unbelievable to many people, and it's often used to criticize the Christian faith. How can a man survive for three days and nights inside the belly of a fish? And what’s up with the Ninevites repenting so quickly and so thoroughly? After the fish story, this seems like another logical barrier to taking Jonah seriously. But when we enter the polytheistic world of the Ninevites, it makes a little more sense. And after that, when we remember what Jesus said of their repentance, it not only makes more sense, but it's also a gut-check moment for Christians.
The story of Jonah being swallowed by a huge fish can seem unbelievable to many people, and it's often used to criticize the Christian faith. How can a man survive for three days and nights inside the belly of a fish? And what’s up with the Ninevites repenting so quickly and so thoroughly? After the fish story, this seems like another logical barrier to taking Jonah seriously. But when we enter the polytheistic world of the Ninevites, it makes a little more sense. And after that, when we remember what Jesus said of their repentance, it not only makes more sense, but it's also a gut-check moment for Christians.