
Lessons From a Fleeing Prophet: Jonah 1

Episode Summary

Jonah stands out among the prophets due to his questionable decisions despite being a prophet. In this message, Jeff and Carissa will explore Jonah's world to gain a better understanding of him. Then, we will use his story as a mirror to reflect on our own tendencies to make similar mistakes, going against the teachings of Christ's Sermon on the Mount. We will also explore what the first chapter of Jonah reveals about God's character and His sovereignty to accomplish His will in our lives.

Episode Notes

Jonah stands out among the prophets due to his questionable decisions despite being a prophet. In this message, Jeff and Carissa will explore Jonah's world to gain a better understanding of him. Then, we will use his story as a mirror to reflect on our own tendencies to make similar mistakes, going against the teachings of Christ's Sermon on the Mount. We will also explore what the first chapter of Jonah reveals about God's character and His sovereignty to accomplish His will in our lives.