
Please Hear What I'm Not Saying (Roundtable)

Episode Summary

The most effective communication requires understanding both spoken words and unspoken messages. Just as a tuning fork helps adjust a musical instrument, we need to attune ourselves to what others are communicating on a deeper level.  By attuning to physical, emotional, verbal, behavioral, and relational cues, we can understand far more than what is being explicitly communicated. In this episode, we explore the importance of understanding the things that are left unsaid.

Episode Notes

The most effective communication requires understanding both spoken words and unspoken messages. Just as a tuning fork helps adjust a musical instrument, we need to attune ourselves to what others are communicating on a deeper level.  By attuning to physical, emotional, verbal, behavioral, and relational cues, we can understand far more than what is being explicitly communicated. In this episode, we explore the importance of understanding the things that are left unsaid.